Source code for youtube_api.youtube_api

import sys
import time
import requests
from requests.packages.urllib3.util.retry import Retry
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
import datetime
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.dtype size changed")
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="numpy.ufunc size changed")
import pandas as pd

from youtube_api.youtube_api_utils import (
import youtube_api.parsers as P

This script has the YouTubeDataAPI class and functions for the API's endpoints.

__all__ = ['YoutubeDataApi', 'YouTubeDataAPI']

[docs]class YouTubeDataAPI: """ The Youtube Data API handles the keys and methods to access data from the YouTube Data API :param key: YouTube Data API key. Get a YouTube Data API key here: """ def __init__( self, key, api_version='3', verify_api_key=True, verbose=False, timeout=20 ): """ :param key: YouTube Data API key Get a YouTube Data API key here: """ self.key = key self.api_version = int(api_version) self.verbose = verbose self._timeout = timeout # check API Key if not self.key: raise ValueError('No API key used to initate the class.') if verify_api_key and not self.verify_key(): raise ValueError('The API Key is invalid') # creates a requests sessions for API calls. self._create_session()
[docs] def verify_key(self): ''' Checks it the API key is valid. :returns: True if the API key is valid, False if the key is not valid. :rtype: bool ''' http_endpoint = ("{}/playlists" "?part=id&id=UC_x5XG1OV2P6uZZ5FSM9Ttw&" "key={}&maxResults=2".format(self.api_version, self.key)) response = requests.get(http_endpoint) try: response.raise_for_status() return True except: return False
def _create_session(self, max_retries=2, backoff_factor=.5, status_forcelist=[500, 502, 503, 504], **kwargs): ''' Creates a requests session to retry API calls when any `status_forcelist` codes are returned. :param max_retries: How many times to retry an HTTP request (API call) when a `status_forcelist` code is returned :type max_retries: int :param backoff_factor: How long to wait between retrying API calls. Scales exponentially. :type backoff_factor: float :param status_forcelist: Retry when any of these http response codes are returned. :type status_forcelist: list ''' session = requests.Session() retries = Retry(total=max_retries, backoff_factor=backoff_factor, status_forcelist=status_forcelist, **kwargs) session.mount('http://', HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries)) self.session = session def _http_request(self, http_endpoint, timeout_in_n_seconds=False): ''' A wrapper function for making an http request to the YouTube Data API. Will print the `http_endpoint` if the YouTubeDataAPI class is instantiated with verbose = True. Attempts to load the response of the http request, and returns json response. ''' if self.verbose: # Print the Http req and replace the API key with a placeholder print(http_endpoint.replace(self.key, '{API_KEY_PLACEHOLDER}')) response = self.session.get(http_endpoint, timeout=self._timeout) response_json = _load_response(response) return response_json
[docs] def get_channel_id_from_user(self, username, **kwargs): """ Get a channel_id from a YouTube username. These are the unique identifiers for all YouTube "uers". IE. "Munchies" -> "UCaLfMkkHhSA_LaCta0BzyhQ". Read the docs: :param username: the username for a YouTube channel :type username: str :returns: YouTube Channel ID for a given username :rtype: str """ http_endpoint = ("{}/channels" "?part=id" "&forUsername={}&key={}".format(self.api_version, username, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) channel_id = None if response_json.get('items'): channel_id = response_json['items'][0]['id'] return channel_id
[docs] def get_channel_metadata_gen(self, channel_id, parser=P.parse_channel_metadata, part=["id", "snippet", "contentDetails", "statistics", "topicDetails", "brandingSettings"], **kwargs): ''' Gets a dictionary of channel metadata given a channel_id, or a list of channel_ids. :param channel_id: channel id(s) :type channel_id: str or list :param parser: the function to parse the json document. :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: yields the YouTube channel metadata :rtype: dict ''' parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json part = ','.join(part) if isinstance(channel_id, list) or isinstance(channel_id, pd.Series): for chunk in _chunker(channel_id, 50): id_input = ','.join(chunk) http_endpoint = ("{}/channels?" "part={}&id={}&key={}&maxResults=50".format( self.api_version, part, id_input, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json['items']: yield parser(item) else: yield parser(None)
[docs] def get_channel_metadata(self, channel_id, parser=P.parse_channel_metadata, part=["id", "snippet", "contentDetails", "statistics", "topicDetails", "brandingSettings"], **kwargs): ''' Gets a dictionary of channel metadata given a channel_id, or a list of channel_ids. Read the docs: :param channel_id: the channel id(s) :type channel_id: str or list :param parser: the function to parse the json document. :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: the YouTube channel metadata :rtype: dict ''' parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json channel_meta = [] if isinstance(channel_id, str): part = ','.join(part) http_endpoint = ("{}/channels?" "part={}&id={}&key={}&maxResults=50".format( self.api_version, part, channel_id, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): channel_meta = parser(response_json['items'][0]) elif isinstance(channel_id, list) or isinstance(channel_id, pd.Series): for channel_meta_ in self.get_channel_metadata_gen(channel_id, parser=parser, part=part, **kwargs): channel_meta.append(channel_meta_) else: raise TypeError("Could not process the type entered!") return channel_meta
[docs] def get_video_metadata_gen(self, video_id, parser=P.parse_video_metadata, part=['statistics','snippet'], **kwargs): ''' Given a `video_id` returns metrics (views, likes, comments) and metadata (description, category) as a dictionary. Read the docs: :param video_id: The ID of a video IE: "kNbhUWLH_yY", this can be found at the end of YouTube urls and by parsing links using :meth:`youtube_api.youtube_api_utils.strip_youtube_id`. :type video_id: str or list of str :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: returns metadata from the inputted ``video_id``s. :rtype: dict ''' part = ','.join(part) parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json if isinstance(video_id, list) or isinstance(video_id, pd.Series): for chunk in _chunker(video_id, 50): id_input = ','.join(chunk) http_endpoint = ("{}/videos" "?part={}" "&id={}&key={}&maxResults=50".format( self.api_version, part, id_input, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json['items']: yield parser(item) else: yield parser(None) else: raise Exception('This function only takes iterables!')
[docs] def get_video_metadata(self, video_id, parser=P.parse_video_metadata, part=['statistics','snippet'], **kwargs): ''' Given a single or list of `video_id` returns metrics (views, likes, comments) and metadata (description, category) as a dictionary. Read the docs: :param video_id: the ID of a video IE: ['kNbhUWLH_yY'], this can be found at the end of YouTube urls and by parsing links using :meth:`youtube_api.youtube_api_utils.strip_youtube_id`. :type video_id: str or list of str :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: yields a video metadata. :rtype: dict ''' video_metadata = [] parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json if isinstance(video_id, str): part = ','.join(part) http_endpoint = ("{}/videos" "?part={}" "&id={}&key={}&maxResults=2".format(self.api_version, part, video_id, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): video_metadata = parser(response_json['items'][0]) elif isinstance(video_id, list) or isinstance(video_id, pd.Series): for video_meta in self.get_video_metadata_gen(video_id, parser=parser, part=part, **kwargs): video_metadata.append(video_meta) else: raise TypeError("Could not process the type entered!") return video_metadata
[docs] def get_playlists(self, channel_id, next_page_token=False, parser=P.parse_playlist_metadata, part=['id','snippet','contentDetails'], **kwargs): ''' Returns a list of playlist IDs that `channel_id` created. Note that playlists can contains videos from any users. Read the docs: :param channel_id: a channel_id IE: "UCn8zNIfYAQNdrFRrr8oibKw" :type channel_id: str :param next_page_token: a token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE: "CDIQAA" :type next_page_token: str :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: playlist info that ``channel_id`` is subscribed to. :rtype: list of dict ''' parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json part = ','.join(part) playlists = [] while True: http_endpoint = ("{}/playlists" "?part={}&channelId={}&key={}&maxResults=50".format( self.api_version, part, channel_id, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) if next_page_token: http_endpoint += "&pageToken={}".format(next_page_token) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json.get('items'): playlists.append(parser(item)) if response_json.get('nextPageToken'): next_page_token = response_json.get('nextPageToken') else: break return playlists
[docs] def get_videos_from_playlist_id(self, playlist_id, next_page_token=None, parser=P.parse_video_url, part=['snippet'], max_results=200000, **kwargs): ''' Given a `playlist_id`, returns `video_ids` associated with that playlist. Note that user uploads for any given channel are from a playlist named "upload playlist id". You can get this value using :meth:`youtube_api.youtube_api.get_channel_metadata` or :meth:`youtube_api.youtube_api_utils.get_upload_playlist_id`. The playlist ID for uploads is always the channel_id with "UU" subbed for "UC". Read the docs: :param playlist_id: the playlist_id IE: "UUaLfMkkHhSA_LaCta0BzyhQ" :type platlist_id: str :param next_page_token: a token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE: "CDIQAA" :type next_page_token: str :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :param max_results: How many video IDs should returned? Contrary to the name, this is actually the minimum number of results to be returned. :type mac_results: int :returns: video ids associated with ``playlist_id``. :rtype: list of dict ''' parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json part = ','.join(part) videos = [] run = True while run: http_endpoint = ("{}/playlistItems" "?part={}&playlistId={}&maxResults=50&key={}".format( self.api_version, part, playlist_id, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) if next_page_token: http_endpoint += "&pageToken={}".format(next_page_token) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint, timeout_in_n_seconds=20 ) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json.get('items'): videos.append(parser(item)) if len(videos) >= max_results: run = False break if response_json.get('nextPageToken'): next_page_token = response_json.get('nextPageToken') else: run=False break else: run=False break return videos
[docs] def get_subscriptions(self, channel_id, next_page_token=False, parser=P.parse_subscription_descriptive, part=['id', 'snippet'], **kwargs): ''' Returns a list of channel IDs that `channel_id` is subscribed to. Read the docs: :param channel_id: a channel_id IE: "UCn8zNIfYAQNdrFRrr8oibKw" :type channel_id: str :param next_page_token: a token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE: "CDIQAA" :type next_page_token: str :param stop_after_n_iteration: stops the API calls after N API calls :type stop_after_n_iteration: int :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: channel IDs that ``channel_id`` is subscribed to. :rtype: list ''' parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json part = ','.join(part) subscriptions = [] while True: http_endpoint = ("{}/subscriptions" "?channelId={}&part={}&maxResults=50&key={}".format( self.api_version, channel_id, part, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) if next_page_token: http_endpoint += "&pageToken={}".format(next_page_token) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json.get('items'): subscriptions.append(parser(item)) if response_json.get('nextPageToken'): next_page_token = response_json.get('nextPageToken') else: return subscriptions return subscriptions
[docs] def get_video_comments(self, video_id, get_replies=True, max_results=None, next_page_token=False, parser=P.parse_comment_metadata, part = ['snippet'], **kwargs): """ Returns comments and replies to comments for a given video. Read the docs: :param video_id: a video_id IE: "eqwPlwHSL_M" :type video_id: str :param get_replies: whether or not to get replies to comments :type get_replies: bool :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :returns: comments and responses to comments of the given ``video_id``. :rtype: list of dict """ parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json part = ','.join(part) comments = [] run = True while run: http_endpoint = ("{}/commentThreads?" "part={}&textFormat=plainText&maxResults=100&" "videoId={}&key={}".format( self.api_version, part, video_id, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) if next_page_token: http_endpoint += "&pageToken={}".format(next_page_token) response = self.session.get(http_endpoint) response_json = _load_response(response) if response_json.get('items'): items = response_json.get('items') for item in items: if max_results: if len(comments) >= max_results: return comments comments.append(parser(item)) if response_json.get('nextPageToken'): next_page_token = response_json['nextPageToken'] else: run=False break if get_replies: for comment in comments: if comment.get('reply_count') and comment.get('reply_count') > 0: comment_id = comment.get('comment_id') http_endpoint = ("{}/comments?" "part={}&textFormat=plainText&maxResults=100&" "parentId={}&key={}".format( self.api_version, part, comment_id, self.key)) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json.get('items'): if max_results: if len(comments) >= max_results: return comments comments.append(parser(item)) return comments
[docs] def search(self, q=None, channel_id=None, max_results=5, order_by="relevance", next_page_token=None, published_after=datetime.datetime.timestamp(datetime.datetime(2000,1,1)), published_before=datetime.datetime.timestamp( datetime.datetime((3000 if sys.maxsize > 2**31 else 2038),1,1)), location=None, location_radius='1km', region_code=None, safe_search=None, relevance_language=None, event_type=None, topic_id=None, video_duration=None, search_type="video", parser=P.parse_rec_video_metadata, part=['snippet'], **kwargs): """ Search YouTube for either videos, channels for keywords. Only returns up to 500 videos per search. For an exhaustive search, take advantage of the ``published_after`` and ``published_before`` params. Note the docstring needs to be updated to account for all the arguments this function takes. Read the docs: :param q: regex pattern to search using | for or, && for and, and - for not. IE boat|fishing is boat or fishing :type q: list or str :param max_results: max number of videos returned by a search query. :type max_results: int :param parser: the function to parse the json document :type parser: :mod:`youtube_api.parsers module` :param part: The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API. :type part: list :param order_by: Return search results ordered by either ``relevance``, ``date``, ``rating``, ``title``, ``videoCount``, ``viewCount``. :type order_by: str :param next_page_token: A token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE:CDIQAA :type next_page_token: str :param published_after: Only show videos uploaded after datetime :type published_after: datetime :param published_before: Only show videos uploaded before datetime :type published_before: datetime :param location: Coodinates of video uploaded in location. :type location: tuple :param location_radius: The radius from the ``location`` param to include in the search. :type location_radius: str :param region_code: search results for videos that can be viewed in the specified country. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. :type region_code: str :param safe_search: whether or not to include restricted content, options are "moderate", "strict", None. :type safe_search: str or None :param relevance_language: Instructs the API to return search results that are most relevant to the specified language. :type relevance_language: str :param event_type: whether the video is "live", "completed", or "upcoming". :type event_type: str :param topic_id: only contain resources associated with the specified topic. The value identifies a Freebase topic ID. :type topic_id: str :param video_duration: filter on video durations "any", "long", "medium", "short". :type video_duration: str :param search_type: return results on a "video", "channel", or "playlist" search. :returns: incomplete video metadata of videos returned by search query. :rtype: list of dict """ if search_type not in ["video", "channel", "playlist"]: raise Exception("The value you have entered for `type` is not valid!") parser=parser if parser else P.raw_json part = ','.join(part) videos = [] while True: http_endpoint = ("{}/search?" "part={}&type={}&maxResults=50" "&order={}&key={}".format( self.api_version, part, search_type, order_by, self.key)) if q: if isinstance(q, list): q = '|'.join(q) http_endpoint += "&q={}".format(q) if published_after: if not isinstance(published_after, float) and not isinstance(published_after, raise Exception("published_after must be a timestamp, not a {}".format(type(published_after))) if isinstance(published_after, float): published_after = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(published_after) _published_after = datetime.datetime.strftime(published_after, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") http_endpoint += "&publishedAfter={}".format(_published_after) if published_before: if not isinstance(published_before, float) and not isinstance(published_before, raise Exception("published_before must be a timestamp, not a {}".format(type(published_before))) if isinstance(published_before, float): published_before = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(published_before) _published_before = datetime.datetime.strftime(published_before, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") http_endpoint += "&publishedBefore={}".format(_published_before) if channel_id: http_endpoint += "&channelId={}".format(channel_id) if location: if isinstance(location, tuple): location = urllib.parse.quote_plus(str(location).strip('()').replace(' ', '')) http_endpoint += "&location={}&locationRadius={}".format(location, location_radius) if region_code: http_endpoint += "&regionCode={}".format(region_code) if safe_search: if not safe_search in ['moderate', 'strict', 'none']: raise "Not proper safe_search." http_endpoint += '&safeSearch={}'.format(safe_search) if relevance_language: http_endpoint += '&relevanceLanguage={}'.format(relevance_language) if event_type: if not event_type in ['completed', 'live', 'upcoming']: raise "Not proper event_type!" http_endpoint += '&eventType={}'.format(event_type) if topic_id: http_endpoint += '&topicId={}'.format(topic_id) if video_duration: if not video_duration in ['short', 'long', 'medium', 'any']: raise "Not proper video_duration" http_endpoint += '&videoDuration={}'.format(video_duration) for k,v in kwargs.items(): http_endpoint += '&{}={}'.format(k, v) if next_page_token: http_endpoint += "&pageToken={}".format(next_page_token) response_json = self._http_request(http_endpoint) if response_json.get('items'): for item in response_json.get('items'): videos.append(parser(item)) if max_results: if len(videos) >= max_results: videos = videos[:max_results] break if response_json.get('nextPageToken'): next_page_token = response_json.get('nextPageToken') time.sleep(.1) else: break else: break return videos
[docs]class YoutubeDataApi(YouTubeDataAPI): """Variant case of the main YouTubeDataAPI class. This class will de depricated by version 0.0.21""" def __init__(self, key, **kwargs): super().__init__(key, **kwargs)