API Guide

The YouTube Data API has a single class YouTubeDataAPI, which authenticates your API key and provides functions to interact with the API.

youtube_api.youtube_api module

This is the client class to access the YouTube API.

class youtube_api.youtube_api.YouTubeDataAPI(key, api_version='3', verify_api_key=True, verbose=False, timeout=20)[source]

Bases: object

The Youtube Data API handles the keys and methods to access data from the YouTube Data API

param key:YouTube Data API key. Get a YouTube Data API key here: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/dashboard

Checks it the API key is valid.

Returns:True if the API key is valid, False if the key is not valid.
Return type:bool
get_channel_id_from_user(username, **kwargs)[source]

Get a channel_id from a YouTube username. These are the unique identifiers for all YouTube “uers”. IE. “Munchies” -> “UCaLfMkkHhSA_LaCta0BzyhQ”.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels/list

Parameters:username (str) – the username for a YouTube channel
Returns:YouTube Channel ID for a given username
Return type:str
get_channel_metadata_gen(channel_id, parser=<function parse_channel_metadata>, part=['id', 'snippet', 'contentDetails', 'statistics', 'topicDetails', 'brandingSettings'], **kwargs)[source]

Gets a dictionary of channel metadata given a channel_id, or a list of channel_ids.

  • channel_id (str or list) – channel id(s)
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document.
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

yields the YouTube channel metadata

Return type:


get_channel_metadata(channel_id, parser=<function parse_channel_metadata>, part=['id', 'snippet', 'contentDetails', 'statistics', 'topicDetails', 'brandingSettings'], **kwargs)[source]

Gets a dictionary of channel metadata given a channel_id, or a list of channel_ids.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels/list

  • channel_id (str or list) – the channel id(s)
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document.
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

the YouTube channel metadata

Return type:


get_video_metadata_gen(video_id, parser=<function parse_video_metadata>, part=['statistics', 'snippet'], **kwargs)[source]

Given a video_id returns metrics (views, likes, comments) and metadata (description, category) as a dictionary.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/list

  • video_id (str or list of str) – The ID of a video IE: “kNbhUWLH_yY”, this can be found at the end of YouTube urls and by parsing links using youtube_api.youtube_api_utils.strip_youtube_id().
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

returns metadata from the inputted ``video_id``s.

Return type:


get_video_metadata(video_id, parser=<function parse_video_metadata>, part=['statistics', 'snippet'], **kwargs)[source]

Given a single or list of video_id returns metrics (views, likes, comments) and metadata (description, category) as a dictionary.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/list

  • video_id (str or list of str) – the ID of a video IE: [‘kNbhUWLH_yY’], this can be found at the end of YouTube urls and by parsing links using youtube_api.youtube_api_utils.strip_youtube_id().
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

yields a video metadata.

Return type:


get_playlists(channel_id, next_page_token=False, parser=<function parse_playlist_metadata>, part=['id', 'snippet', 'contentDetails'], **kwargs)[source]

Returns a list of playlist IDs that channel_id created. Note that playlists can contains videos from any users.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/playlists/list

  • channel_id (str) – a channel_id IE: “UCn8zNIfYAQNdrFRrr8oibKw”
  • next_page_token (str) – a token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE: “CDIQAA”
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

playlist info that channel_id is subscribed to.

Return type:

list of dict

get_videos_from_playlist_id(playlist_id, next_page_token=None, parser=<function parse_video_url>, part=['snippet'], max_results=200000, **kwargs)[source]

Given a playlist_id, returns video_ids associated with that playlist.

Note that user uploads for any given channel are from a playlist named “upload playlist id”. You can get this value using youtube_api.youtube_api.get_channel_metadata() or youtube_api.youtube_api_utils.get_upload_playlist_id(). The playlist ID for uploads is always the channel_id with “UU” subbed for “UC”.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/playlistItems

  • playlist_id – the playlist_id IE: “UUaLfMkkHhSA_LaCta0BzyhQ”
  • next_page_token (str) – a token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE: “CDIQAA”
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.
  • max_results – How many video IDs should returned? Contrary to the name, this is actually the minimum number of results to be returned.

video ids associated with playlist_id.

Return type:

list of dict

get_subscriptions(channel_id, next_page_token=False, parser=<function parse_subscription_descriptive>, part=['id', 'snippet'], **kwargs)[source]

Returns a list of channel IDs that channel_id is subscribed to.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/subscriptions

  • channel_id (str) – a channel_id IE: “UCn8zNIfYAQNdrFRrr8oibKw”
  • next_page_token (str) – a token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE: “CDIQAA”
  • stop_after_n_iteration (int) – stops the API calls after N API calls
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

channel IDs that channel_id is subscribed to.

Return type:


Given a channel_id returns a dictionary {channel_id : [list, of, channel_ids]} of featured channels.

Optionally, can take a list of channel IDS, and returns a list of dictionaries.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels/list

  • channel_id (str of list of str) – channel_ids IE: [‘UCn8zNIfYAQNdrFRrr8oibKw’]
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

yields metadata for featured channels

Return type:


Given a channel_id returns a dictionary {channel_id : [list, of, channel_ids]} of featured channels.

Optionally, can take a list of channel IDs, and returns a list of dictionaries.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/channels/list

  • channel_id (str or list of str) – channel_ids IE:[‘UCn8zNIfYAQNdrFRrr8oibKw’]
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

metadata for featured channels from channel_id.

Return type:

list of dict

get_video_comments(video_id, get_replies=True, max_results=None, next_page_token=False, parser=<function parse_comment_metadata>, part=['snippet'], **kwargs)[source]

Returns comments and replies to comments for a given video.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/commentThreads/list

  • video_id (str) – a video_id IE: “eqwPlwHSL_M”
  • get_replies (bool) – whether or not to get replies to comments
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.

comments and responses to comments of the given video_id.

Return type:

list of dict

search(q=None, channel_id=None, max_results=5, order_by='relevance', next_page_token=None, published_after=946684800.0, published_before=32503680000.0, location=None, location_radius='1km', region_code=None, safe_search=None, relevance_language=None, event_type=None, topic_id=None, video_duration=None, search_type='video', parser=<function parse_rec_video_metadata>, part=['snippet'], **kwargs)[source]

Search YouTube for either videos, channels for keywords. Only returns up to 500 videos per search. For an exhaustive search, take advantage of the published_after and published_before params. Note the docstring needs to be updated to account for all the arguments this function takes.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list

  • q (list or str) – regex pattern to search using | for or, && for and, and - for not. IE boat|fishing is boat or fishing
  • max_results (int) – max number of videos returned by a search query.
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document
  • part (list) – The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more resource properties that the API response will include. Different parameters cost different quota costs from the API.
  • order_by (str) – Return search results ordered by either relevance, date, rating, title, videoCount, viewCount.
  • next_page_token (str) – A token to continue from a preciously stopped query IE:CDIQAA
  • published_after (datetime) – Only show videos uploaded after datetime
  • published_before (datetime) – Only show videos uploaded before datetime
  • location (tuple) – Coodinates of video uploaded in location.
  • location_radius (str) – The radius from the location param to include in the search.
  • region_code (str) – search results for videos that can be viewed in the specified country. The parameter value is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
  • safe_search (str or None) – whether or not to include restricted content, options are “moderate”, “strict”, None.
  • relevance_language (str) – Instructs the API to return search results that are most relevant to the specified language.
  • event_type (str) – whether the video is “live”, “completed”, or “upcoming”.
  • topic_id (str) – only contain resources associated with the specified topic. The value identifies a Freebase topic ID.
  • video_duration (str) – filter on video durations “any”, “long”, “medium”, “short”.
  • search_type – return results on a “video”, “channel”, or “playlist” search.

incomplete video metadata of videos returned by search query.

Return type:

list of dict

Get recommended videos given a video ID. This extends the search API. Note that search history does not influence results.

Read the docs: https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/search/list

  • video_id – (str) a video_id IE: “eqwPlwHSL_M”
  • max_results – (int) max number of recommended vids
  • parser (youtube_api.parsers module) – the function to parse the json document

incomplete video metadata from recommended videos of video_id.

Return type:

list of dict

class youtube_api.youtube_api.YoutubeDataApi(key, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: youtube_api.youtube_api.YouTubeDataAPI

Variant case of the main YouTubeDataAPI class. This class will de depricated by version 0.0.21

youtube_api.parsers module

Every function from the youtube_api.youtube_api class has an argument for parser. parser can be any function that takes a dictionary as input. Here are the default parser fucntions for each function. Use these as templates to build your own custom parsers, or use the youtube_api.parsers.raw_json() or None as the parser argument for the raw API response.


Returns the raw json output from the API.


Parses and processes raw output and returns video_id, channel_title, channel_id, video_publish_date, video_title, video_description, video_category, video_view_count, video_comment_count, video_like_count, video_dislike_count, video_thumbnail, video_tags, collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns publish_date, video_id, channel_id, collection_date

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns channel_id, title, account_creatation_date, keywords, description, view_count, video_count, subscription_count, playlist_id_likes, playlist_id_uploads, topic_ids, country, collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns subscription_title, subscription_channel_id, subscription_kind, subscription_publish_date, collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns a dictionary where the key is the channel_id and the key is a list of channel URLs.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns playlist_name, playlist_id, playlist_publish_date, playlist_n_videos, channel_id, channel_name, collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns video_id, commenter_channel_url, commenter_channel_display_name, comment_id, comment_like_count, comment_publish_date, text, commenter_rating, comment_parent_id, collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Parses and processes raw output and returns video_id, channel_title, channel_id, video_publish_date, video_title, video_description, video_category, video_thumbnail, collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

Returns the video_id, captions and collection_date.

Params item:json document
Returns:parsed dictionary
Return type:dict

youtube_api.youtube_api_utils module

These are utils used by the client class, with some additional functions for analysis.


Parses a date string returned from YouTube’s API into a Python datetime.


Given a channel_id, returns the user uploaded playlist id.


Given a channel_id, returns the user liked playlist id.